161.1 Federal Act of 17 December 1976 on Political Rights

161.1 Lescha federala dals 17 da december 1976 davart ils dretgs politics

Art. 35 Completing the ballot paper

1 Any person who uses the ballot paper that is not pre-printed may enter the names of eligible candidates and add the list designation or reference number of an electoral list.

2 Any person who uses a pre-printed ballot paper may delete pre-printed candidate names; they may enter the names of candidates from other electoral lists (splitting the vote). They may also delete the pre-printed reference number and electoral list designation or replace the same with the number and designation of a different list.

3 They may enter the name of the same candidate on the ballot paper twice (accumulating).

Art. 35 Emplenir il cedel electoral

1 Tgi che dovra il cedel electoral vid, po scriver sin la glista ils nums da las candidatas e dals candidats elegibels sco er la denominaziun da la glista u il numer d’ordinaziun d’ina glista.

2 Tgi che dovra in cedel electoral prestampà, po stritgar nums da candidatas e da candidats prestampads. Ins po er inscriver nums da candidatas e da candidats d’autras glistas (panaschar). Ultra da quai pon ins stritgar il numer d’ordinaziun e la denominaziun da la glista prestampada u remplazzar quels tras in auter numer u tras in’autra denominaziun.

3 Ins po scriver il num d’ina candidata u d’in candidat duas giadas sin il medem cedel electoral (cumular).


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.