152.3 Federal Act of 17 December 2004 on Freedom of Information in the Administration (Freedom of Information Act, FoIA)

152.3 Lescha federala dals 17 da december 2004 davart il princip da la transparenza da l'administraziun (Lescha da transparenza, LTrans)

Art. 17 Fees

1 In principle, access to official documents is subject to payment of a fee.9

2 No fee is charged for:

the processing of an application which gives rise to minimal costs;
mediation proceedings (Art. 13); and
proceedings before the first instance (Art. 15).

3 The Federal Council shall regulate the details and fee rates on the basis of the effective costs incurred. Specific provisions set out in other legislation are reserved.

4 Fees may, in any event, be charged for the release of reports, brochures and other printed material and information carriers.

9 The correction of 19 Aug. 2014 relates to the Italian text only (AS 2014 2599).

Art. 17 Taxas

1 L’access als documents uffizials è per regla suttamess al pajament d’ina taxa.9

2 I na vegnan betg incassadas taxas per:

il tractament d’ina dumonda che pretenda pauca lavur;
proceduras da mediaziun (art. 13); e
proceduras da decisiun (art. 15).

3 Il Cussegl federal fixescha ils detagls e la tariffa da taxas tenor ils custs effectivs. Resalvadas restan las regulaziuns da taxas divergentas sin fundament da legislaziuns spezialas.

4 Per consegnar rapports, broschuras u auters stampats e purtaders d’infurmaziuns po en mintga cas vegnir incassada ina taxa.

9 Correctura dals 19 d’avust 2014, reguarda mo il text talian (AS 2014 2599).


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.