142.31 Asylum Act of 26 June 1998 (AsylA)

142.31 Lescha d'asil dals 26 da zercladur 1998 (LAsil)

Art. 95j Simplified planning approval procedure

1 A simplified planning approval procedure is applied in the case of:

small-scale local projects that affect only a few easily identifiable persons;
alterations or changes of use that do not substantially change the external appearance of the buildings or installations concerned, do not affect the legitimate interests of third parties, and have a negligible effect on space or the environment;
buildings and installations that will be removed after three years at the latest.

2 Detailed plans based on a project that has already been approved shall be approved under the simplified procedure.

3 The approval authority may order the marking of the project. The application is not published and not made available for public inspection. The approval authority shall send the plans to the persons concerned unless they have already given their consent in writing; they have 30 days to object. The approval authority may consult the cantons and communes. It shall allow an appropriate period for doing so.

4 The simplified procedure is otherwise governed by the provisions for the ordinary procedure. In the event of any doubt, the ordinary procedure shall be carried out.

Art. 95j Procedura d’approvaziun dals plans simplifitgada

1 La procedura d’approvaziun dals plans simplifitgada vegn applitgada tar:

projects che sa restrenschan ad in territori limità e che concernan paucas persunas pertutgadas, cleramain identifitgablas;
edifizis e stabiliments, dals quals la midada architectonica u la midada d’utilisaziun na mida betg essenzialmain l’aspect exteriur, na pertutga nagins interess da terzas persunas degns da vegnir protegids ed ha mo in effect marginal per il spazi e per l’ambient;
edifizis e stabiliments che vegnan puspè allontanads il pli tard suenter 3 onns.

2 Plans da detagl che sa basan sin in project gia approvà, vegnan approvads en la procedura simplifitgada.

3 L’autoritad d’approvaziun po ordinar la stajaziun. La dumonda na vegn betg publitgada e na vegn betg exponida publicamain. L’autoritad d’approvaziun suttametta il project a las persunas pertutgadas, sch’ellas n’han betg dà ordavant en scrit lur consentiment; lur termin da protesta importa 30 dis. L’autoritad d’approvaziun po dumandar ina posiziun dals chantuns e da las vischnancas. Per quai fixescha ella in termin adequat.

4 Dal rest valan las disposiziuns davart la procedura ordinaria. En cas da dubi vegn exequida quella.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.