1 In times of increased international tension, in the event of the outbreak of an armed conflict in which Switzerland is not involved, or in the event of an exceptionally large influx of asylum seekers in times of peace, Switzerland shall grant asylum to refugees as long as the circumstances permit.
2 The Federal Council shall take the required measures. It may, in derogation from the law, restrict the requirements for granting asylum and the legal status of the refugees and issue special procedural provisions. It shall submit a report on this to the Federal Assembly immediately.
3 If Switzerland’s capacity to permanently accommodate refugees is exceeded, asylum may only be granted temporarily until those admitted are able to go elsewhere.
4 If it becomes apparent that a considerable number of refugees are coming to Switzerland, the Federal Council shall seek rapid and effective international cooperation with a view to their reallocation to other countries.
1 En temps da tensiuns internaziunalas augmentadas, en cas da conflicts armads, en ils quals la Svizra n’è betg involvida, u en cas d’in chatsch extraordinari da requirents d’asil en temps da pasch conceda la Svizra asil als fugitivs, uschè ditg che las circumstanzas permettan da far quai.
2 Il Cussegl federal prenda la mesiras necessarias. En divergenza da la lescha po el restrenscher las premissas per conceder asil ed il status giuridic dals fugitivs e fixar disposiziuns da procedura particularas. El infurmescha immediatamain l’Assamblea federala en chaussa.
3 Sche l’alloschament permanent da fugitivs surpassa las pussaivladads da la Svizra, poi er mo vegnir concedì provisoricamain asil, fin che las persunas admessas pon ir vinavant.
4 Sch’i sa mussa ch’in dumber considerabel da fugitivs vegn a vegnir en Svizra, tschertga il Cussegl federal ina collavuraziun internaziunala svelta ed efficazia en vista a lur repartiziun.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.