1 The Confederation may provide for test phases to assess new procedures if a test phase is required for such procedures prior to amending the law due to the complex organisational and technical measures involved.
2 The Confederation regulates the details of the test phases in an ordinance. In doing so it may deviate from the terms of this Act and the FNIA384 in relation to the organisation of first instance asylum proceedings and the removal proceedings and related financial issues.
3 It may reduce the deadline for filing an appeal under Article 108 paragraph 1 in test phases from 30 days to ten days, provided effective legal protection for the asylum seekers concerned is guaranteed by suitable measures.
4 The ordinance lists all the statutory provisions from which it deviates.
5 The test phases last no longer than two years.
382 Inserted by No I of the FA of 28 Sept 2012 (Emergency Amendments to the Asylum Act), in force from 29 Sept. 2012 to 28 Sept. 2015 (AS 2012 5359; BBl 2010 4455, 2011 7325) and extended to 28 Sept. 2019 by No II of the FA of 26 Sept. 2014 (AS 2015 2047; BBl 2014 2087). See also the transitional provision to this amendment at the end of the text.
383 Repealed by No I of the FA of 14 Dec. 2012, with effect from 1 Feb. 2014 (AS 2013 4375 5357; BBl 2010 4455, 2011 7325).
1 Il Cussegl federal po prevair fasas da test per giuditgar novs andaments da procedura, sche quels pretendan – pervia da mesiras organisatoricas e tecnicas cumplexas – ina fasa da test avant che decretar ina midada da lescha.
2 Il Cussegl federal regla ils detagls da las fasas da test en in’ordinaziun. Concepind la procedura d’asil d’emprima instanza e la procedura da spedida e las dumondas da finanziaziun che dependan da quai po el divergiar da questa lescha e da la LEI384.
3 Per fasas da test po el reducir il termin da recurs da 30 dis tenor l’artitgel 108 alinea 1 a 10 dis, sche la protecziun giuridica efficazia dals requirents d’asil pertutgads è garantida tras mesiras adattadas.
4 L’ordinaziun enumerescha tut las disposiziuns legalas, da las qualas i vegn divergià.
5 Las fasas da test duran maximalmain 2 onns.
382 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 28 da sett. 2012 (midadas urgentas da la Lescha d’asil), en vigur dals 29 da sett. 2012 fin ils 28 da sett. 2015 (AS 2012 5359; BBl 2010 4455, 2011 7325) e prolungà fin ils 28 da sett. 2019 tras la cifra II da la LF dals 26 da sett. 2014 (AS 2015 2047; BBl 2014 2087). Guardar er la disposiziun transitorica da questa midada a la fin dal text.
383 Abolì tras la cifra I da la LF dals 14 da dec. 2012, cun effect dapi il 1. da favr. 2014 (AS 2013 4375 5357; BBl 2010 4455, 2011 7325).
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Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.