142.20 Federal Act of 16 December 2005 on Foreign Nationals (FNA)

142.20 Lescha federala dals 16 da december 2005 davart las persunas estras (LEst)

Art. 68c Exit and confirmation of return

1 If the third-country national subject to an alert in the SIS from another Schengen State for the purpose of return leaves the Schengen area, the competent border control authority shall issue a confirmation of return to the SIRENE Offices. The SIRENE Office shall transmit the confirmation to the Schengen State issuing the alert for the purpose of deleting the alert for return in the SIS.

2 The SIRENE Office shall forward confirmations of return from other Schengen States to the authority issuing the alert in Switzerland for the purpose of deleting the alert.

159 Inserted by Annex 1 No 1 of the FD of 18 Dec. 2020 on the Approval and Implementation of the Exchange of Notes between Switzerland and the EU relating to the Adoption of the Legislation on the Establishment, Operation and Use of the Schengen Information System (SIS), in force since 22 Nov. 2022 (AS 2021 365; 2022 636; BBl 2020 3465).

Art. 68c Partenza e conferma dal return

1 Sch’il burgais d’in terz stadi, ch’è vegnì publitgà d’in auter stadi da Schengen en il SIS per il return, banduna il territori da Schengen, sto l’autoritad cumpetenta per la controlla da cunfin emetter ina conferma dal return per mauns dal biro SIRENE. Il biro SIRENE transmetta la conferma al stadi da Schengen che ha fatg la publicaziun da return, per ch’el stizzia la publicaziun en il SIS.

2 Il biro SIRENE transmetta las confermas da return d’auters stadis da Schengen a l’autoritad svizra che ha fatg la publicaziun, per ch’ella stizzia la publicaziun.

159 Integrà tras la cifra 1 da l’agiunta 1 dal COF dals 18 da dec. 2020 davart l’approvaziun e la realisaziun dals barats da notas tranter la Svizra e la UE concernent la surpigliada da las basas giuridicas davart l’instituziun, il manaschi e l’utilisaziun dal sistem d’infurmaziun da Schengen (SIS), en vigur dapi ils 22 da nov. 2022 (AS 2021 365; 2022 636; BBl 2020 3465).


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.