1 A foreign child of a marriage between a Swiss mother and a foreign father whose mother held Swiss citizenship prior to or at the time of the child's birth may apply for simplified naturalisation if he or she has close ties with Switzerland.
2 A foreign child born to a Swiss father before 1 January 2006 may apply for simplified naturalisation provided he or she meets the requirements of Article 1 paragraph 2 and has close ties with Switzerland.
3 A foreign child born to a Swiss father before 1 January 2006 whose parents marry acquires Swiss citizenship as if from birth if he or she meets the requirements of Article 1 paragraph 2.
4 The child acquires the cantonal and communal citizenship that the Swiss parent holds or last held, and thus Swiss citizenship.
5 The requirements of Article 20 apply mutatis mutandis.
1 Sch’in uffant ester deriva d’ina lètg d’ina burgaisa svizra cun in burgais ester e sche sia mamma possedeva il dretg da burgais svizzer avant u a sia naschientscha, po el inoltrar ina dumonda per ina natiralisaziun facilitada, premess ch’el haja ina stretga relaziun cun la Svizra.
2 Sch’in uffant ester ch’è naschì avant il 1. da schaner 2006 ha in bab svizzer, po el inoltrar ina dumonda per ina natiralisaziun facilitada, premess ch’el adempleschia las premissas da l’artitgel 1 alinea 2 ed haja ina stretga relaziun cun la Svizra.
3 Sch’in uffant ester ch’è naschì avant il 1. da schaner 2006 ha in bab svizzer e sche ses geniturs maridan in l’auter, acquista el il dretg da burgais svizzer, sco sch’el avess acquistà il dretg da burgais cun la naschientscha, premess ch’el adempleschia las premissas da l’artitgel 1 alinea 2.
4 L’uffant acquista il dretg da burgais chantunal e communal ch’il genitur svizzer posseda u possedeva sco ultim, ed uschia il dretg da burgais svizzer.
5 Las premissas da l’artitgel 20 valan tenor il senn.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.