121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)

Art. 70 Political governance by the Federal Council

1 The Federal Council shall exercise political governance over the FIS and carry out the following tasks in particular for that purpose:

It shall issue the FIS with a basic mission and renew this mission at least every four years; the basic mission shall remain secret.
It shall authorise the watch list in accordance with Article 72 every year and submit it to the CDel; the watch list is confidential.
It shall determine the groups every year that must be categorised as violent-extremist groups and shall take note of the number of violent extremists that cannot be assigned to any known group.
It shall assess the threat situation every year and as required in the event of incidents and shall inform the Federal Assembly and the general public.
It shall order the required measures in the case of special threat situations.
It shall decide every year on how the FIS will cooperate with foreign authorities.

2 The documents in connection with the tasks in paragraph 1 shall not be made accessible to the public.

3 The Federal Council may on its own initiative conclude international agreements on the international cooperation of the FIS in relation to the protection of information or participation in international automated information systems in accordance with Article 12 paragraph 1 letter e.

Art. 70 Direcziun politica tras il Cussegl federal

1 Il Cussegl federal procura per la direcziun politica dal SIC ed ademplescha en quest connex en spezial las suandantas incumbensas:

conceder al SIC l’incarica da basa e renovar tala almain mintga 4 onns; l’incarica da basa è secreta;
approvar annualmain la glista d’observaziun tenor l’artitgel 72 e trametter questa glista a la DelCG; la glista d’observaziun è confidenziala;
determinar annualmain las gruppaziuns che ston vegnir consideradas sco extremisticas violentas e prender enconuschientscha dal dumber d’extremists violents che na pon anc vegnir attribuidas a naginas gruppaziuns enconuschentas;
giuditgar annualmain e – sche necessari – en cas d’eveniments spezials la situaziun da smanatscha ed infurmar las Chombras federalas e la publicitad;
ordinar las mesiras necessarias en cas da situaziuns da smanatscha spezialas;
fixar annualmain la collavuraziun dal SIC cun autoritads estras.

2 Ils documents en connex cun las incumbensas tenor l’alinea 1 n’èn betg accessibels al public.

3 Il Cussegl federal po concluder en moda autonoma contracts internaziunals davart la collavuraziun internaziunala dal SIC concernent la protecziun d’infurmaziuns u concernent la participaziun a sistems d’infurmaziun internaziunals automatisads tenor l’artitgel 12 alinea 1 litera e.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.