1 Where the FIS intends to order an information gathering measure requiring authorisation, it shall submit an application to the Federal Administrative Court with:
2 The president of the competent division of the Federal Administrative Court shall issue as a single judge a decision with a brief statement of reasons within five working days of receipt of the application; he or she may delegate this task to another judge.
3 The president of the competent division of the Federal Administrative Court shall not authorise a requested information gathering measure if that measure has already been authorised in connection with criminal proceedings against the persons concerned in accordance with paragraph 1 letter b and the criminal investigation is connection with a specific threat that the FIS information gathering measure is intended to clarify. The competent courts responsible for compulsory measures or the Post and Telecommunications Surveillance Bureau shall provide the Federal Administrative Court with the required information.
4 The president of the competent division of the Federal Administrative Court may require a hearing of representatives of the FIS as part of the decision-making process.
5 He or she may grant authorisation subject to conditions or request further files or further investigations.
6 Authorisation applies for a maximum of three months. This period may be extended in any given case by a maximum of three months.
7 If an extension is required, the FIS shall file a substantiated application for an extension in accordance with paragraph 1 before the authorised period expires.
8 The president of the competent division of the Federal Administrative Court shall prepare an annual report for the attention of the Control Delegation (CDel).
1 Sch’il SIC ha l’intenziun d’ordinar ina mesira da procuraziun suttamessa ad in’autorisaziun, suttametta el al Tribunal administrativ federal ina dumonda cun:
2 Il president da la partiziun cumpetenta dal Tribunal administrativ federal decida sco derschader singul cun ina curta motivaziun entaifer 5 dis da lavur suenter avair survegnì l’incumbensa; el po incaricar in auter derschader cun questa incumbensa.
3 Il president da la partiziun cumpetenta dal Tribunal administrativ federal n’approvescha betg ina mesira da procuraziun dumandada, sch’ina tala mesira è gia vegnida approvada sin basa d’ina procedura penala cunter la persuna pertutgada tenor l’alinea 1 litera b e sche l’inquisiziun penala ha in connex cun la smanatscha concreta che duai vegnir sclerida cun la mesira da procuraziun dal SIC. Las dretgiras da mesiras repressivas cumpetentas sco er il Servetsch da surveglianza dal traffic da posta e da telecommunicaziun dattan al Tribunal administrativ federal las infurmaziuns necessarias.
4 Il president da la partiziun cumpetenta dal Tribunal administrativ federal po ordinar en il rom dal process da decisiun che represchentants dal SIC vegnan tadlads en chaussa.
5 El po conceder l’approvaziun cun cundiziuns u pretender che las actas vegnian cumplettadas u che ulteriurs scleriments vegnian fatgs.
6 L’approvaziun vala maximalmain 3 mais. Ella po vegnir prolungada mintgamai per maximalmain 3 mais.
7 Sch’ina prolungaziun è necessaria, fa il SIC ina dumonda da prolungaziun motivada tenor l’alinea 1 avant che la durada permessa è scadida.
8 Il president da la partiziun cumpetenta dal Tribunal administrativ federal fa mintga onn in rapport da lavur per mauns da la Delegaziun da las Cumissiuns da gestiun (DelCG).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.