101 Federal Constitution of 18 April 1999 of the Swiss Confederation

101 Constituziun federala da la Confederaziun svizra dals 18 d'avrigl 1999

Art. 86

1 A fund shall be set up to finance the national highways and contributions towards measures to improve the road transport infrastructure in cities and urban areas.

2 The following monies shall be allocated to the fund:

the net proceeds of the national highways charge in accordance with Article 85a;
the net proceeds of the special consumption tax in accordance with Article 131 paragraph 1 letter d;
the net proceeds of the surcharge in accordance with Article 131 paragraph 2 letter a;
the net proceeds of the charge in accordance with Article 131 paragraph 2 letter b;
a percentage of the net proceeds from the consumption tax on all motor fuels, with the exception of aviation fuels, in accordance with Article 131 paragraph 1 letter e; this shall amount to 9 per cent each of the net proceeds under letter c and 9 per cent of one half of the net proceeds of the consumption tax on all motor fuels, with the exception of aviation fuels, but no more than 310 million francs per year; the indexation of this amount shall be regulated by law;
in general, 10 per cent of the net proceeds of consumption tax on all motor fuels, with the exception of aviation fuels, in accordance with Article 131 paragraph 1 letter e;
the proceeds to cover additional expenditure on new sections of the national highways from the special finance programme in accordance with paragraph 3 letter g and from contributions made by the Cantons:
other monies allocated by law in connection with road transport.

3 A special finance programme shall be administered for the following tasks and costs in connection with road transport:

contributions towards measures to promote combined transport and the transport of motor vehicles and drivers;
contributions towards the cost of main roads;
contributions towards protective structures to prevent natural disasters and measures to protect the environment and countryside from the effects of road traffic;
general contributions towards the costs incurred by the Cantons for roads open to motor vehicles;
contributions to Cantons without national highways;
research and administration;
contributions to the fund in accordance with paragraph 2 letter g.

4 The special finance programme shall be allocated one half of the net proceeds of the consumption tax on all motor fuels, with the exception of aviation fuels, in accordance with Article 131 paragraph 1 letter e, under deduction of the monies under paragraph 2 letter e.

5 Where the special finance programme has a proven need and in order to form appropriate reserves in the special finance programme, proceeds from the consumption tax in accordance with Article 131 paragraph 1 letter d shall be allocated to the special finance programme instead of the fund.

49 Adopted by the popular vote on 12 Feb. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018, para. 2 let. g and 3 let. g in force since 1 Jan. 2020 (FedD of 30 Sept. 2016, FCD of 10 Nov. 2016 – AS 2017 6731; BBl 2015 2065, 2016 7587, 2017 3387).

50* With transitional provision.

Art. 86

1 Las vias naziunalas sco er las contribuziuns a mesiras per meglierar l’infrastructura da traffic en citads ed aglomeraziuns en connex cun il traffic sin via vegnan finanziadas sur in fond.

2 Al fond vegnan assegnads ils suandants meds finanzials:

il retgav net da la taxa per l’utilisaziun da las vias naziunalas tenor l’artitgel 85a;
il retgav net da la taglia speziala da consum tenor l’artitgel 131 alinea 1 litera d;
il retgav net dal supplement tenor l’artitgel 131 alinea 2 litera a;
il retgav net da la taxa tenor l’artitgel 131 alinea 2 litera b;
ina part dal retgav net da la taglia da consum sin tut ils carburants, cun excepziun dals carburants d’aviatica, tenor l’artitgel 131 alinea 1 litera e; la part importa 9 pertschient dals meds finanzials tenor la litera c e 9 pertschient da la mesadad dal retgav net da la taglia da consum sin tut ils carburants, cun excepziun dals carburants d’aviatica, maximalmain però 310 milliuns francs per onn; la lescha regla l’indexaziun da quest import;
per regla 10 pertschient dal retgav net da la taglia da consum sin tut ils carburants, cun excepziun dals carburants d’aviatica, tenor l’artitgel 131 alinea 1 litera e;
ils retgavs da la finanziaziun speziala tenor l’alinea 3 litera g e da contribuziuns dals chantuns per cumpensar custs supplementars che resultan da l’integraziun da novs trajects en la rait da vias naziunalas;
ulteriurs meds finanzials assegnads tras la lescha che stattan en connex cun il traffic sin via.

3 Per las suandantas incumbensas ed expensas en connex cun il traffic sin via vegn manada ina finanziaziun speziala:

las contribuziuns a mesiras per promover il traffic cumbinà ed il transport da vehichels a motor accumpagnads;
las contribuziuns als custs per las vias principalas;
las contribuziuns ad ovras da protecziun cunter forzas da la natira ed a mesiras da la protecziun da l’ambient e da la cuntrada che daventan necessarias pervia dal traffic sin via;
las contribuziuns generalas als custs dals chantuns per vias ch’èn avertas per il traffic da vehichels a motor;
las contribuziuns als chantuns senza vias naziunalas;
la perscrutaziun e l’administraziun;
las contribuziuns al fond tenor l’alinea 2 litera g.

4 A la finanziaziun speziala vegn bunifitgada la mesadad dal retgav net da la taglia da consum sin tut ils carburants, cun excepziun dals carburants d’aviatica, tenor l’artitgel 131 alinea 1 litera e minus ils meds finanzials tenor l’alinea 2 litera e.

5 Sch’il basegn è cumprovà en la finanziaziun speziala e sch’i duai vegnir furmada ina retenziun adequata en la finanziaziun speziala, ston ils retgavs da la taglia da consum tenor l’artitgel 131 alinea 1 litera d vegnir assegnads a la finanziaziun speziala empè al fond.

49 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 12 da favr. 2017, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2018, al. 2 lit. g e 3 lit. g en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2020 (COF dals 30 da sett. 2016, COCF dals 10 da nov. 2016 – AS 2017 6731; BBl 2015 2065, 2016 7587, 2017 3387).

50* Cun disposiziun transitorica.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.