101 Federal Constitution of 18 April 1999 of the Swiss Confederation

101 Constituziun federala da la Confederaziun svizra dals 18 d'avrigl 1999

Art. 196

1. Transitional provision to Art. 84 (Transalpine transit traffic)

The transfer of freight transit traffic from road to rail must be completed ten years after the adoption of the popular initiative for the protection of the alpine regions from transit traffic.

2. Transitional provision to Art. 85 (Flat-rate heavy vehicle charge)

1 The Confederation shall levy an annual charge for the use of roads that are open to general traffic on domestic and foreign motor vehicles and trailers that have a maximum permissible weight of over 3.5 tonnes.

2 This charge amounts to:


for trucks and articulated motor vehicles of

over 3.5 to 12 t


over 12 to 18 t


over 18 to 26 t


over 26 t


for trailers of
over 3.5 to 8 t


over 8 to 10 t


over 10 t


for coaches


3 The rates of the charge may be adjusted by federal act insofar as this is justified by the cost of road transport.

4 In addition, the Federal Council may adjust by ordinance the tariff category above 12 t in accordance with paragraph 2 to comply with any amendments to the weight categories contained in the Road Traffic Act of 19 December 1958134.

5 For vehicles that are not on the road in Switzerland for the entire year, the Federal Council shall determine suitably graduated rates of the charge; it shall take account of the costs of collecting the charge.

6 The Federal Council shall regulate the implementation of the charge. It may determine rates in terms of paragraph 2 for special categories of vehicle, exempt certain vehicles from the charge and issue special regulations, in particular for journeys in border areas. Such regulations must not result in vehicles registered abroad being treated more favourably than Swiss vehicles. The Federal Council may provide for fines in respect of contraventions. The Cantons shall collect the charge on vehicles registered in Switzerland.

7 The charge may be limited or abolished by law.

8 This provision applies until the Heavy Vehicle Charge Act of 19 December 1997135 comes into force.

3. Transitional provisions to Art. 86 (Use of charges for tasks and costs in connection with road transport), Art. 87 (Railways and other carriers) and Art. 87a (Railway infrastructure)136

1 The major rail projects include the New Rail Link through the Alps (NRLA), RAIL 2000, the connection of Eastern and Western Switzerland to the European High Speed Rail Network as well as the improvement of noise protection along railway lines through active and passive measures.

2 Until the interest payments and repayments on the advances made to the fund in accordance with Article 87a paragraph 2 have been made in full, the monies in accordance with Article 86 paragraph 2 letter e shall be allocated to the special finance programme for road transport in accordance with Article 86 paragraph 4 instead of the fund in accordance with Article 86 paragraph 2.137

2bis In order to finance railway infrastructure and thereafter to finance the interest and repayments on the advances made to the fund in accordance with Article 87a paragraph 2, the Federal Council may use monies in accordance with paragraph 2 until 31 December 2018. The monies shall be calculated in accordance with Article 86 paragraph 2 letter e.138

2ter The percentage in accordance with Article 86 paragraph 2 letter f applies from two years after this provision comes into force. Prior to that, it shall be 5 per cent.139

3 The financing of the major rail projects in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be carried out through the fund under Article 87a paragraph 2.140

4 The four major rail projects in terms of paragraph 1 shall be adopted by federal acts. Proof must be established of the necessity and readiness for implementation For each major project in its entirety. In the case of the NRLA project, each of the construction phases shall form the subject matter of a federal act. The Federal Assembly shall approve the required financing through guarantee credits. The Federal Council shall approve the construction phases and determine the time schedule.

5 This provision applies until the conclusion of the construction work and of the financing (through repayment of the advances) of the major rail projects mentioned in paragraph 1.

4. Transitional provision to Art. 90 (Nuclear energy)

Until 23 September 2000, no general, construction, start-up or operating licences for new facilities for the production of nuclear energy may be granted.

5. Transitional provision to Art. 95 (Private economic activity)

Until the enactment of federal legislation, the Cantons must mutually recognise their education or training qualifications.

6. Transitional provision to Art. 102 (National economic supply)

1 The Confederation shall guarantee the national supply of bread grain and baking flour.

2 This transitional provision remains in force until 31 December 2003 at the latest.

7. Transitional provision to Art. 103 (Structural policy)

For no more than ten years from the date on which the Constitution comes into force, the Cantons may retain existing regulations that make the opening of new businesses dependent on establishing a need, in order to guarantee the existence of important parts of a specific branch of the hotel and restaurant industry.

8.141 ...

9. Transitional provision to Art. 110 para. 3 (National Day of the Swiss Confederation)

1 Until the amended federal legislation comes into force, the Federal Council shall regulate the details.

2 The National Day of the Swiss Confederation shall not be included in the calculation of the number the public holidays in accordance with Article 18 paragraph 2 of the Employment Act of 13 March 1964142.

10.143 ...

11. Transitional provision to Art. 113 (Occupational Pension Scheme)

Insured persons who belong to the generation working at the time of the introduction of the occupational pension scheme and therefore do not contribute for the full period shall receive the statutory minimum benefits, according to their income, within 10 to 20 years of the Act coming into force.

12.144 ...

13.145 Transitional provision to Art. 128 (Duration of tax levy)

The power to levy the direct federal tax shall be limited until the end of 2035.

14.146 Transitional provision to Art. 130 (Value Added Tax)147

1 The power to levy value added tax is limited until the end of 2035.148

2 In order to guarantee the funding of invalidity insurance, the Federal Council shall raise the value added tax rates from 1 January 2011 until 31 December 2017 as follows: ...

3 The revenue from the increase in rates in accordance with paragraph 2 will be allocated in full to the Compensation Fund for Invalidity Insurance.149

4 In order to secure the financing of railway infrastructure, the Federal Council shall raise the tax rates under Article 25 of the Value Added Tax Act of 12 June 2009150 from 1 January 2018 by 0.1 of a percentage point, in the event of an extension of the time limit under paragraph 1 until 31 December 2030 at the latest.151

5 The entire revenue from the increase under paragraph 4 shall be allocated to the fund under Article 87a.152

15.153 ...

16.154 ...

133 Adopted by the popular vote on 3 March 2002, in force since 3 March 2002 (FedD of 5 Oct. 2001, FCD of 26 April 2002; AS 2002 885; BBl 2000 2453, 2001 1183 5731, 2002 3690).

134 SR 741.01

135 SR 641.81

136 Adopted by the popular vote on 12 Feb. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (FedD of 30 Sept. 2016, FCD of 10 Nov. 2016 – AS 2017 6731; BBl 2015 2065, 2016 7587, 2017 3387).

137 Adopted by the popular vote on 12 Feb. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (FedD of 30 Sept. 2016, FCD of 10 Nov. 2016 – AS 2017 6731; BBl 2015 2065, 2016 7587, 2017 3387).

138 Adopted by the popular vote on 12 Feb. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (FedD of 30 Sept. 2016, FCD of 10 Nov. 2016 – AS 2017 6731; BBl 2015 2065, 2016 7587, 2017 3387).

139 Adopted by the popular vote on 12 Feb. 2017, in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (FedD of 30 Sept. 2016, FCD of 10 Nov. 2016 – AS 2017 6731; BBl 2015 2065, 2016 7587, 2017 3387).

140 Adopted by the popular vote on 9 Feb. 2014, in force since 1 Jan. 2016 (FedD of 20 June 2013, FCD of 13 May 2014, FCD of 2 June 2014, FCD of 6 June 2014; AS 2015 645; BBl 2010 6637, 2012 1577, 2013 4725 6518, 2014 4113 4117).

141 Art. 106 was revised on 11 March 2012.

142 SR 822.11

143 Repealed by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2004, with effect from 1 Jan. 2008 (FCD of 3 Oct 2003, FCD of 26 Jan. 2005, FCD of 7 Nov. 2007; AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951)

144 Art. 126 was revised on 2 Dec. 2001.

145 Adopted by the popular vote on 4 March 2018, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (FedD of 16 June 2017, FCD of 13 Feb. 2019; AS 2019 769; BBl 2016 6221, 2017 4205, 2018 2761).

146 Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2004, in force since 1 Jan. 2007 (FedD of 19 March 2004, FCD of 26 Jan. 2005, FCD of 2 Feb. 2006; AS 2006 1057; BBl 2003 1531, 2004 1363, 2005 951).

147 Adopted by the popular vote on 27 Sept. 2009, in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (FedD of 13 June 2008 and of 12 June 2009, FCD of 7 Sept. 2010; AS 2010 3821; BBl 2005 4623, 2008 5241, 2009 4371 4377 4379 8719).

148 Adopted by the popular vote on 4 March 2018, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (FedD of 16 June 2017, FCD of 13 Feb. 2019; AS 2019 769; BBl 2016 6221, 2017 4205, 2018 2761).

149 Adopted by the popular vote on 27 Sept. 2009, in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (FedD of 13 June 2008 and of 12 June 2009, FCD of 7 Sept. 2010; AS 2010 3821; BBl 2005 4623, 2008 5241, 2009 4371 4377 4379 8719).

150 SR 641.20

151 Adopted by the popular vote on 9 Feb. 2014, in force since 1 Jan. 2016 (FedD of 20 June 2013, FCD of 13 May 2014, FCD of 2 June 2014, FCD of 6 June 2014; AS 2015 645; BBl 2010 6637, 2012 1577, 2013 4725 6518, 2014 4113 4117).

152 Adopted by the popular vote on 9 Feb. 2014, in force since 1 Jan. 2016 (FedD of 20 June 2013, FCD of 13 May 2014, FCD of 2 June 2014, FCD of 6 June 2014; AS 2015 645; BBl 2010 6637, 2012 1577, 2013 4725 6518, 2014 4113 4117).

153 Repealed by the popular vote on 4 March 2018, with effect from 1 Jan. 2021 (FedD of 16 June 2017, FCD of 13 Feb. 2019; AS 2019 769; BBl 2016 6221, 2017 4205, 2018 2761).

154 Repealed by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2004, with effect from 1 Jan. 2008 (FCD of 3 Oct 2003, FCD of 26 Jan. 2005, FCD of 7 Nov. 2007; AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951)

Art. 196

1. Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 84 (Transit da las Alps)

Il transferiment dal transport da rauba da transit sin la viafier sto esser terminà 10 onns suenter l’acceptaziun da l’iniziativa dal pievel per proteger il territori da las Alps dal traffic da transit.

2. Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 85 (Pauschala sin il traffic da camiuns pesants)

1 La Confederaziun incassescha ina taxa annuala sin ils vehichels a motor svizzers ed esters e sin ils chars annexs cun ina paisa totala da mintgamai pli che 3,5 tonnas per duvrar las vias ch’èn avertas per il traffic general.

2 Questa taxa importa:


per camiuns e camiuns-tracturs
da pli che 3,5 fin 12 tonnas


da pli che 12 fin 18 tonnas


da pli che 18 fin 26 tonnas


da pli che 26 tonnas


per chars annexs

da pli che 3,5 fin 8 tonnas


da pli che 8 fin 10 tonnas


da pli che 10 tonnas


per autocars


3 Las tariffas da la taxa pon vegnir adattadas cun ina lescha federala, sch’ils custs dal traffic sin las vias giustifitgeschan quai.

4 Ultra da quai po il Cussegl federal adattar cun in’ordinaziun las categorias da tariffas a partir da 12 tonnas tenor l’alinea 2 a midadas eventualas da las categorias da paisa en la Lescha federala dals 19 da december 1958135 davart il traffic sin via.

5 Il Cussegl federal fixescha tariffas graduadas correspundentamain per vehichels che n’èn betg en circulaziun en Svizra durant l’entir onn; el resguarda las expensas per l’incassament.

6 Il Cussegl federal regla l’execuziun. El po fixar tariffas per categorias particularas da vehichels tenor il senn da l’alinea 2, liberar tscherts vehichels da la taxa e prender mesiras particularas, spezialmain per viadis en il cirquit dals cunfins. Vehichels immatriculads a l’exteriur na dastgan tras quai betg esser privilegiads envers vehichels svizzers. Il Cussegl federal po prevair multas per violaziuns dal dretg. Ils chantuns incasseschan la taxa per ils vehichels immatriculads en Svizra.

7 Da questa taxa po vegnir desistì entiramain u parzialmain cun disposiziuns legalas.

8 Questa disposiziun vala fin a l’entrada en vigur da la Lescha dals 19 da december 1997136 davart il traffic cun camiuns pesants.

3. Disposiziuns transitoricas tar l’art. 86 (Impundaziun da taxas per incumbensas ed expensas en connex cun il traffic sin via), tar l’art. 87 (Viafiers ed ulteriurs meds da traffic) e tar l’art. 87a (Infrastructura da viafier)137

1 Ils gronds projects da viafier cumpiglian la nova viafier transversala da las Alps (NVTA), la VIAFIER 2000, la colliaziun da la Svizra da l’ost e dal vest a la rait da viafier europeica d’auta prestaziun sco er la meglieraziun da las mesiras da protecziun cunter la canera lung ils trajects da viafier cun mesiras activas e passivas.

2 Fin che la tschainsida e la restituziun dal pajament anticipà dal fond tenor l’artitgel 87a alinea 2 n’è betg terminada, vegnan ils meds finanzials tenor l’artitgel 86 alinea 2 litera e assegnads a la finanziaziun speziala dal traffic sin via tenor l’artitgel 86 alinea 4 empè al fond tenor l’artitgel 86 alinea 2.138

2bis Il Cussegl federal po utilisar ils meds finanzials tenor l’alinea 2 fin ils 31 da december 2018 per finanziar l’infrastructura da viafier e suenter per tschainsir e per restituir il pajament anticipà dal fond tenor l’artitgel 87a alinea 2. Ils meds finanzials vegnan calculads tenor l’artitgel 86 alinea 2 litera e.139

2ter La procentuala tenor l’artitgel 86 alinea 2 litera f vala suenter 2 onns dapi l’entrada en vigur da questa disposiziun. Avant importa ella 5 pertschient.140

3 Ils gronds projects da viafier tenor l’alinea 1 vegnan finanziads sur il fond tenor l’artitgel 87a alinea 2.141

4 Ils quatter gronds projects da viafier tenor l’alinea 1 vegnan decretads en furma da leschas federalas. Per mintga grond project cumplessiv èn da cumprovar il basegn e la realisabilitad. Tar il project da la NVTA furman las singulas fasas da construcziun ina part da la lescha federala. L’Assamblea federala conceda ils meds finanzials necessaris cun credits d’impegn. Il Cussegl federal approva las etappas da construcziun e fixescha il plan da termins.

5 Questa disposiziun vala fin al mument da la terminaziun da las lavurs da construcziun e da la finanziaziun (restituziun dals pajaments anticipads) dals gronds projects da viafier menziunads en l’alinea 1.

4. Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 90 (Energia nucleara)

Fin ils 23 da settember 2000 na vegn betg dà permissiuns generalas, da construcziun, da metter en funcziun u da manaschi per novs implants per producir energia nucleara.

5. Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 95 (Activitad da gudogn en l’economia privata)

Fin al decret d’ina legislaziun federala èn ils chantuns obligads da renconuscher vicendaivlamain ils attestats finals da scolaziun.

6. Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 102 (Provediment dal pajais)

1 La Confederaziun garantescha il provediment dal pajais cun granezza da paun e farina per far paun.

2 Questa disposiziun transitorica resta en vigur fin il pli tard ils 31 da december 2003.

7. Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 103 (Politica da structura)

Ils chantuns pon mantegnair durant maximalmain 10 onns a partir da l’entrada en vigur da la constituziun las reglamentaziuns existentas che fan dependenta l’avertura da manaschis dal basegn per garantir l’existenza da parts considerablas d’in tschert rom da hotellaria.

8.142 …

9. Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 110 al. 3 (Di da la festa naziunala)

1 Il Cussegl federal regla ils detagls fin che la legislaziun federala midada va en vigur.

2 Il di da la festa naziunala na vegn betg quintà tar il dumber dals firads tenor l’artitgel 18 alinea 2 da la Lescha da lavur dals 13 da mars 1964143.

10.144 …

11. Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 113 (Prevenziun professiunala)

Assicurads ch’appartegnan a la generaziun d’entrada e na disponan per quest motiv betg dal temp da contribuziun cumplain, duain obtegnair la protecziun minimala prescritta da la lescha e quai mintgamai tenor l’autezza da lur entrada da gudogn entaifer 10 fin 20 onns suenter l’entrada en vigur da la lescha.

12.145 …

13.146 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 128 (Durada da l’imposiziun da taglia)

La taglia federala directa po vegnir incassada fin la fin da l’onn 2035.

14.147 Disposiziun transitorica tar l’art. 130 (Taglia sin la plivalur)148

1 La taglia sin la plivalur po vegnir incassada fin la fin da l’onn 2035.149

2 Per garantir la finanziaziun da l’assicuranza d’invaliditad auza il Cussegl federal las tariffas da la taglia sin la plivalur dal 1. da schaner 2011 fin ils 31 da december 2017 sco suonda: …

3 Il retgav che resulta da l’augment tenor l’alinea 2 vegn attribuì cumplainamain al fond da cumpensaziun da l’assicuranza d’invaliditad.150

4 Per garantir la finanziaziun da l’infrastructura da viafier auza il Cussegl federal las tariffas da taglia tenor l’artitgel 25 da la Lescha federala dals 12 da zercladur 2009151 davart la taglia sin la plivalur a partir dal 1. da schaner 2018 per 0,1 puncts procentuals, sch’il termin tenor l’alinea 1 vegn prolungà fin maximalmain ils 31 da december 2030.152

5 Il retgav che resulta da l’augment tenor l’alinea 4 vegn attribuì cumplainamain al fond tenor l’artitgel 87a.153

15.154 …

16.155 …

134 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 3 da mars 2002, en vigur dapi ils 3 da mars 2002 (COF dals 5 d’oct. 2001, COCF dals 26 d’avr. 2002 – AS 2002 885; BBl 2000 2453, 2001 1183 5731, 2002 3690).

135 SR 741.01

136 SR 641.81

137 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 12 da favr. 2017, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2018 (COF dals 30 da sett. 2016, COCF dals 10 da nov. 2016 – AS 2017 6731; BBl 2015 2065, 2016 7587, 2017 3387).

138 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 12 da favr. 2017, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2018 (COF dals 30 da sett. 2016, COCF dals 10 da nov. 2016 – AS 2017 6731; BBl 2015 2065, 2016 7587, 2017 3387).

139 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 12 da favr. 2017, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2018 (COF dals 30 da sett. 2016, COCF dals 10 da nov. 2016 – AS 2017 6731; BBl 2015 2065, 2016 7587, 2017 3387).

140 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 12 da favr. 2017, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2018 (COF dals 30 da sett. 2016, COCF dals 10 da nov. 2016 – AS 2017 6731; BBl 2015 2065, 2016 7587, 2017 3387).

141 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 9 da favr. 2014, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2016 (COF dals 20 da zer. 2013, COCF dals 13 da matg 2014, COCF dals 2 da zer. 2014, COCF dals 6 da zer. 2014 – AS 2015 645; BBl 2010 6637, 2012 1577, 2013 4725 6518, 2014 4113 4117).

142 Dapi ils 11 da mars 2012 ha l’art. 106 ina nova versiun.

143 SR 822.11

144 Abolì en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2004, cun effect dapi il 1. da schan. 2008 (COF dals 3 d’oct. 2003, COCF dals 26 da schan. 2005, COCF dals 7 da nov. 2007 – AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).

145 Dapi ils 2 da dec. 2001 ha l’art. 126 ina nova versiun.

146 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 4 da mars 2018, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2021 (COF dals 16 da zer. 2017, COCF dals 13 da favr. 2019 – AS 2019 769; BBl 2016 6221, 2017 4205, 2018 2761).

147 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2004, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2007 (COF dals 19 da mars 2004, COCF dals 26 da schan. 2005, COCF dals 2 da favr. 2006 – AS 2006 1057; BBl 2003 1531, 2004 1363, 2005 951).

148 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 27 da sett. 2009, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2011 (COF dals 13 da zer. 2008 e dals 12 da zer. 2009, COCF dals 7 da sett. 2010 – AS 2010 3821; BBl 2005 4623, 2008 5241, 2009 4371 4377 4379 8719).

149 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 4 da mars 2018, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2021 (COF dals 16 da zer. 2017, COCF dals 13 da favr. 2019 – AS 2019 769; BBl 2016 6221, 2017 4205, 2018 2761).

150 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 27 da sett. 2009, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2011 (COF dals 13 da zer. 2008 e dals 12 da zer. 2009, COCF dals 7 da sett. 2010 – AS 2010 3821; BBl 2005 4623, 2008 5241, 2009 4371 4377 4379 8719).

151 SR 641.20

152 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 9 da favr. 2014, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2016 (COF dals 20 da zer. 2013, COCF dals 13 da matg 2014, COCF dals 2 da zer. 2014, COCF dals 6 da zer. 2014 – AS 2015 645; BBl 2010 6637, 2012 1577, 2013 4725 6518, 2014 4113 4117).

153 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 9 da favr. 2014, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2016 (COF dals 20 da zer. 2013, COCF dals 13 da matg 2014, COCF dals 2 da zer. 2014, COCF dals 6 da zer. 2014 – AS 2015 645; BBl 2010 6637, 2012 1577, 2013 4725 6518, 2014 4113 4117).

154 Abolì en la votaziun dal pievel dals 4 da mars 2018, cun effect dapi il 1. da schan. 2021 (COF dals 16 da zer. 2017, COCF dals 13 da favr. 2019 – AS 2019 769; BBl 2016 6221, 2017 4205, 2018 2761).

155 Abolì en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2004, cun effect dapi il 1. da schan. 2008 (COF dals 3 d’oct. 2003, COCF dals 26 da schan. 2005, COCF dals 7 da nov. 2007 – AS 2007 5765; BBl 2002 2291, 2003 6591, 2005 951).


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.