101 Federal Constitution of 18 April 1999 of the Swiss Confederation

101 Constituziun federala da la Confederaziun svizra dals 18 d'avrigl 1999

Art. 165 Emergency legislation

1 Federal acts whose coming into force cannot be delayed (emergency federal acts) may be declared urgent by an absolute majority of the members of each of the two Councils and be brought into force immediately. Such acts must be of limited duration.

2 If a referendum is requested on an emergency federal act, the act must be repealed one year after being passed by the Federal Assembly if it has not in the meantime been approved by the People.

3 An emergency federal act that does not have the Constitution as its basis must be repealed one year after being passed by the Federal Assembly if it has not in the meantime been approved by the People and the Cantons. Any such act must be of limited duration.

4 An emergency federal act that is not approved in a popular vote may not be renewed.

Art. 165 Legislaziun en cas d’urgenza

1 Ina lescha federala che na supporta betg in retardament per entrar en vigur po vegnir declerada urgenta da la maioritad da mintga cussegl e vegnir messa en vigur immediatamain. Sia validitad è da limitar temporalmain.

2 Sche la votaziun dal pievel vegn pretendida pertutgant ina lescha federala declerada urgenta, perda la lescha sia vigur in onn suenter l’acceptaziun tras l’Assamblea federala, sch’ella na vegn betg acceptada dal pievel entaifer quest termin.

3 Ina lescha federala declerada urgenta che n’ha betg ina basa constituziunala perda sia vigur in onn suenter l’acceptaziun tras l’Assamblea federala, sch’ella na vegn betg acceptada dal pievel e dals chantuns entaifer quest termin. Sia validitad è da limitar temporalmain.

4 Ina lescha federala declerada urgenta che n’è betg vegnida acceptada en la votaziun dal pievel na po betg vegnir renovada.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.