1 The Councils are quorate if a majority of their members is present.
2 Decisions are taken in both Chambers and in the United Federal Assembly by the majority of those who vote.
3 However, the consent of an absolute majority of the members of each of the two Councils is required for:
4 The Federal Assembly may, by ordinance, adjust subsidies made in terms of paragraph 3 letter b in line with inflation.127
126 Adopted by the popular vote on 2 Dec. 2001, in force since 2 Dec. 2001 (FedD of 22 June 2001, FCD of 4 Feb. 2002; AS 2002 241; BBl 2000 4653, 2001 2387 2878, 2002 1209).
127 Adopted by the popular vote on 2 Dec. 2001, in force since 2 Dec. 2001 (FedD of 22 June 2001, FCD of 4 Feb. 2002; AS 2002 241; BBl 2000 4653, 2001 2387 2878, 2002 1209).
1 Ils cussegls pon deliberar valaivlamain, sche la maioritad da lur commembers è preschenta.
2 En ils dus cussegls ed en l’Assamblea federala plenara decida la maioritad dals cussegliers.
3 Il consentiment da la maioritad dals commembers da mintgin dals dus cussegls dovran dentant:
4 Cun in’ordinaziun po l’Assamblea federala adattar a la chareschia ils imports tenor l’alinea 3 litera b.128
127 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 2 da dec. 2001, en vigur dapi ils 2 da dec. 2001 (COF dals 22 da zer. 2001, COCF dals 4 da favr. 2002 – AS 2002 241; BBl 2000 4653, 2001 2387 2878, 2002 1209).
128 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 2 da dec. 2001 (COF dals 22 da zer. 2001, COCF dals 4 da favr. 2002 – AS 2002 241; BBl 2000 4653, 2001 2387 2878, 2002 1209).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.