1 The Confederation is responsible for legislation on entry to and exit from Switzerland, the residence and the permanent settlement of foreign nationals and on the granting of asylum.
2 Foreign nationals may be expelled from Switzerland if they pose a risk to the security of the country.
3 Irrespective of their status under the law on foreign nationals, foreign nationals shall lose their right of residence and all other legal rights to remain in Switzerland if they:
4 The legislature shall define the offences covered by paragraph 3 in more detail. It may add additional offences.87
5 Foreign nationals who lose their right of residence and all other legal rights to remain in Switzerland in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 must be deported from Switzerland by the competent authority and must be made subject to a ban on entry of from 5–15 years. In the event of reoffending, the ban on entry is for 20 years.88
6 Any person who fails to comply with the ban on entry or otherwise enters Switzerland illegally commits an offence. The legislature shall issue the relevant provisions.89
84* With transitional provision.
85 Adopted by the popular vote on 9 Feb. 2014, in force since 9 Feb. 2014 (FedD of 27 Sept. 2013, FCD of 13 May 2014; AS 2014 1391; BBl 2011 6269, 2012 3869, 2013 291 7351, 2014 4117).
86 Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2010, in force since 28 Nov. 2010 (FedD of 18 June 2010, FCD of 17 March 2011; AS 2011 1199; BBl 2008 1927, 2009 5097, 2010 4241, 2011 2771).
87 Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2010, in force since 28 Nov. 2010 (FedD of 18 June 2010, FCD of 17 March 2011; AS 2011 1199; BBl 2008 1927, 2009 5097, 2010 4241, 2011 2771).
88 Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2010, in force since 28 Nov. 2010 (FedD of 18 June 2010, FCD of 17 March 2011; AS 2011 1199; BBl 2008 1927, 2009 5097, 2010 4241, 2011 2771).
89 Adopted by the popular vote on 28 Nov. 2010, in force since 28 Nov. 2010 (FedD of 18 June 2010, FCD of 17 March 2011; AS 2011 1199; BBl 2008 1927, 2009 5097, 2010 4241, 2011 2771).
1 La legislaziun davart l’entrada, la partenza, la dimora ed il domicil da persunas estras sco er davart la concessiun d’asil suttastat a la Confederaziun.
2 Las persunas estras pon vegnir expulsadas da la Svizra, sch’ellas pericliteschan la segirezza dal pajais.
3 Ellas perdan lur dretg da dimora sco er las pretensiuns da dretg che stattan en connex cun lur dimora en Svizra, independentamain da lur status tenor il dretg da persunas estras, sch’ellas:
4 Il legislatur precisescha ils causals tenor l’alinea 3. El po cumplettar la glista cun ulteriurs causals.87
5 Las persunas estras che perdan – tenor ils alineas 3 e 4 – lur dretg da dimora sco er tut las pretensiuns da dretg che stattan en connex cun lur dimora en Svizra ston vegnir expulsadas da l’autoritad cumpetenta or da la Svizra e ston vegnir chastiadas cun in scumond d’entrar en Svizra da 5 fin 15 onns. En cas da repetiziun sto il scumond d’entrar en Svizra vegnir fixà a 20 onns.88
6 Tgi che violescha il scumond d’entrar en Svizra u tgi ch’entra en autra moda u maniera illegalmain en Svizra, è culpabel. Il legislatur decretescha las disposiziuns correspundentas.89
84* Cun disposiziun transitorica.
85 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 9 da favr. 2014, en vigur dapi ils 9 da favr. 2014 (COF dals 27 da sett. 2013, COCF dals 13 matg 2014 – AS 2014 1391; BBl 2011 6269, 2012 3869, 2013 291 7351, 2014 4117).
86 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2010, en vigur dapi ils 28 da nov. 2010 (COF dals 18 da zer. 2010, COCF dals 17 mars 2011 – AS 2011 1199; BBl 2008 1927, 2009 5097, 2010 4241, 2011 2771).
87 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2010, en vigur dapi ils 28 da nov. 2010 (COF dals 18 da zer. 2010, COCF dals 17 mars 2011 – AS 2011 1199; BBl 2008 1927, 2009 5097, 2010 4241, 2011 2771).
88 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2010, en vigur dapi ils 28 da nov. 2010 (COF dals 18 da zer. 2010, COCF dals 17 mars 2011 – AS 2011 1199; BBl 2008 1927, 2009 5097, 2010 4241, 2011 2771).
89 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 28 da nov. 2010, en vigur dapi ils 28 da nov. 2010 (COF dals 18 da zer. 2010, COCF dals 17 mars 2011 – AS 2011 1199; BBl 2008 1927, 2009 5097, 2010 4241, 2011 2771).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.