101 Federal Constitution of 18 April 1999 of the Swiss Confederation

101 Constituziun federala da la Confederaziun svizra dals 18 d'avrigl 1999

Art. 118b Research on human beings

1 The Confederation shall legislate on research on human beings where this is required in order to protect their dignity and privacy. In doing so, it shall preserve the freedom to conduct research and shall take account of the importance of research to health and society.

2 The Confederation shall adhere to the following principles in relation to biological and medical research involving human beings:

It is a requirement for any research project that the participants or their legal representatives have given their informed consent. The law may provide for exceptions. A refusal is binding in every case.
The risks and stress for the participants must not be disproportionate to the benefits of the research project.
A research project involving persons lacking the capacity to consent may be conducted only if findings of equal value cannot be obtained from research involving persons who have the capacity to consent. If the research project is not expected to bring any immediate benefit to the persons lacking the capacity to consent, the risks and stress must be minimal.
An independent assessment of the research project must have determined that the safety of the participants is guaranteed.

80 Adopted by the popular vote on 7 March 2010, in force since 7 March 2010 (FedD of 25 Sept. 2009, FCD of 15 April 2010; AS 2010 1569; BBl 2007 6713, 2009 6649, 2010 2625).

Art. 118b Perscrutaziun vi da l’uman

1 La Confederaziun decretescha prescripziuns davart la perscrutaziun vi da l’uman, uschenavant che la protecziun da sia dignitad e da sia persunalitad pretendan quai. En quest connex preserva ella la libertad da la perscrutaziun e tegna quint da l’impurtanza da la perscrutaziun per la sanadad e per la societad.

2 Per la perscrutaziun biologica e medicinala vi da l’uman resguarda ella ils princips suandants:

mintga project da perscrutaziun premetta che la persuna che sa participescha a quest project u che la persuna ch’è autorisada tenor lescha da far quai haja dà ses consentiment suenter esser vegnida infurmada suffizientamain. La lescha po prevair excepziuns. Ina refusa è en mintga cas lianta;
ils ristgs e las grevezzas per la persuna che sa participescha ad in project da perscrutaziun na dastgan betg star en ina disproporziun cun il niz che resulta da quest project;
in project da perscrutaziun dastga vegnir realisà cun persunas incapablas da giuditgar sulettamain, sche enconuschientschas equivalentas na pon betg vegnir cuntanschidas cun persunas capablas da giuditgar. Sch’il project da perscrutaziun na lascha betg spetgar in niz direct per las persunas incapablas da giuditgar, dastgan ils ristgs e las grevezzas esser mo minimals;
ina examinaziun independenta dal project da perscrutaziun sto confermar che la protecziun da las persunas che sa participeschan a quest project è garantida.

80 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 7 da mars 2010, en vigur dapi ils 7 da mars 2010 (COF dals 25 da sett. 2009, COCF dals 15 d’avr. 2010 – AS 2010 1569; BBl 2007 6713, 2009 6649, 2010 2625).


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.