101 Federal Constitution of 18 April 1999 of the Swiss Confederation

101 Constituziun federala da la Confederaziun svizra dals 18 d'avrigl 1999

Art. 110

1 The Confederation may legislate on:

employee protection;
relations between employer and employee, and in particular on common regulations on operational and professional matters;
recruitment services;
the declaration of collective employment agreements to be generally applicable.

2 Collective employment agreements may be declared generally applicable only if they take appropriate account of the justified interests of minorities and regional particularities, and they respect the principle of equality before the law and the right to form professional associations.

3 August 1 is the National Day of the Swiss Confederation. In terms of employment law, it is regarded as equivalent to a Sunday, with equivalent rights to pay.

63* With transitional provision

Art. 110

1 La Confederaziun po decretar prescripziuns davart:

la protecziun da las lavurantas e dals lavurants;
la relaziun tranter patruns e lavurants, particularmain davart la reglamentaziun communabla da dumondas da manaschi e fatgs professiunals;
l’intermediaziun da lavur;
la decleraziun cun vigur lianta da contracts da lavur collectivs.

2 Contracts da lavur collectivs dastgan vegnir declerads sco generalmain liants, sch’els tegnan quint a moda commensurada dals interess motivads da minoritads sco er da las differenzas regiunalas e sch’els na pregiuditgeschan betg la libertad sindicala.

3 Il 1. d’avust è il di da la festa naziunala. Concernent il dretg da lavur è el egual a las dumengias ed è pajà.

63* Cun disposiziun transitorica.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.