101 Federal Constitution of 18 April 1999 of the Swiss Confederation

101 Constituziun federala da la Confederaziun svizra dals 18 d'avrigl 1999

Art. 106 Gambling

1 The Confederation shall legislate on gambling; in doing so it shall take account of cantonal interests.

2 A licence from the Confederation is required in order to establish and operate a casino. In granting such a licence, the Confederation shall take account of regional circumstances. It shall levy a revenue-related tax on casinos; this tax must not exceed 80 per cent of the gross revenues from gambling. It shall be used to fund the Old-age, Survivors’ and Invalidity Insurance.

3 The cantons are responsible for granting licences for and supervising the following:

gambling activities that are available to an unlimited number of people, are offered at more than one location and which are based on the same random draw or a similar procedure; the foregoing does not apply to the jackpot systems in casinos;
betting on sports;
games of skill.

4 Paragraphs 2 and 3 also apply to telecommunications-based gambling.

5 The Confederation and the cantons shall take account of the dangers of gambling. They shall ensure that appropriate protection is provided through legislation and supervisory measures and in doing so shall take account of the different characteristics of the games and the form and location of the gambling opportunity offered.

6 The cantons shall ensure that the net revenues from gambling in accordance with paragraph 3 letters a and b are used in their entirety for charitable purposes, in particular in the fields of culture, social projects and sport.

7 The Confederation and the cantons shall coordinate their efforts to fulfil their tasks. To this end the law shall establish a joint body, one half of whose members shall be from the federal implementing bodies and the other half from the cantonal implementing bodies.

62 Adopted by the popular vote on 11 March 2012, in force since 11 March 2012 (FedD of 29 Sept. 2011, FCD of 20 June 2012; AS 2012 3629; BBl 2009 7019, 2010 7961, 2012 6623).

Art. 106 Gieus per daners

1 La Confederaziun decretescha prescripziuns davart ils gieus per daners, tegnend quint dals interess dals chantuns.

2 Per installar e per manar bancas da gieu è necessaria ina concessiun da la Confederaziun. Tar la surdada da concessiuns resguarda la Confederaziun las cundiziuns regiunalas. Ella incassescha ina taxa sin bancas da gieu che dependa dal retgav; la taxa na dastga betg surpassar 80 pertschient dal retgav brut da gieu. Questa taxa è destinada a l’assicuranza per vegls, survivents ed invaliditad.

3 Ils chantuns èn cumpetents per permetter e per survegliar:

ils gieus per daners accessibels ad in dumber illimità da persunas en plirs lieus ed en ils quals i vegn tratg la sort u procedì en moda sumeglianta; exceptads èn ils sistems da jackpot da las bancas da gieu;
las scumessas da sport;
ils gieus d’inschign.

4 Ils alineas 2 e 3 vegnan er applitgads per ils gieus per daners purschids a basa da la telecommunicaziun.

5 La Confederaziun ed ils chantuns tegnan quint dals privels en connex cun ils gieus per daners. Tras la legislaziun e tras mesiras da surveglianza garanteschan els ina protecziun adequata, resguardond en quest connex las differentas caracteristicas dals gieus sco er la furma ed il lieu da la purschida.

6 Ils chantuns garanteschan ch’ils retgavs nets dals gieus tenor l’alinea 3 literas a e b vegnian duvrads dal tuttafatg per intents d’utilitad publica, en spezial en ils secturs da la cultura, dals fatgs socials e dal sport.

7 La Confederaziun ed ils chantuns sa coordineschan per ademplir lur incumbensas. Perquai stgaffescha la lescha in organ cuminaivel che sa cumpona mintgamai per la mesadad da commembers dals organs executivs da la Confederaziun e dals chantuns.

62 Acceptà en la votaziun dal pievel dals 11 da mars 2012, en vigur dapi ils 11 da mars 2012 (COF dals 29 da sett. 2011, COCF dals 20 da zer. 2012 – AS 2012 3629; BBl 2009 7019, 2010 7961, 2012 6623).


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.