1 The Confederation shall ensure that the agricultural sector, by means of a sustainable and market oriented production policy, makes an essential contribution towards:
2 In addition to the self-help measures that can reasonably be expected in the agriculture sector and if necessary in derogation from the principle of economic freedom, the Confederation shall support farms that cultivate the land.
3 The Confederation shall organise measures in such a manner that the agricultural sector fulfils its multi-functional duties. It has in particular the following powers and duties:
4 For these purposes, the Confederation shall provide both funds earmarked for the agricultural sector and general federal funds.
1 La Confederaziun procura che l’agricultura prestia cun ina producziun persistenta ed orientada vers il martgà ina contribuziun essenziala per:
2 Cumplettond l’agen agid ch’ins po pretender da l’agricultura e, sche necessari er divergiond dal princip da la libertad economica, promova la Confederaziun ils manaschis purils che cultiveschan il terren.
3 Ella fixescha mesiras per che l’agricultura possia ademplir sias incumbensas multifaras. Ella ha particularmain las sequentas cumpetenzas ed incumbensas:
4 Ella metta a disposiziun per quest intent meds finanzials liads a l’intent dal sectur agricul e meds generals da la Confederaziun.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.