1 The Confederation shall take measures to achieve balanced economic development, and in particular to prevent and combat unemployment and inflation.
2 It shall take account of economic development in individual regions of the country. It shall cooperate with the Cantons and the business community.
3 In the field of money and banking, in foreign economic affairs and in the field of public finance, the Confederation may if necessary depart from the principle of economic freedom.
4 The Confederation, the Cantons and the communes shall take account of the economic situation in their revenue and expenditure policies.
5 To stabilise the economic situation, the Confederation may temporarily levy surcharges or grant rebates on federal taxes and duties. The accumulated funds must be held in reserve; following their release, direct taxes shall be individually refunded, and indirect taxes used to grant rebates or to create jobs.
6 The Confederation may oblige businesses to accumulate reserves for the creation of jobs; it shall for this purpose grant tax concessions and may require the Cantons to do the same. Following the release of the reserves, businesses shall be free to decide how the funds are applied within the scope of the uses permitted by law.
1 La Confederaziun prenda mesiras per segirar in svilup equilibrà da la conjunctura, particularmain per prevegnir e cumbatter la dischoccupaziun e la chareschia.
2 Ella resguarda il svilup economic da las singulas regiuns dal pajais. Ella collavura cun ils chantuns e cun l’economia.
3 En ils fatgs monetars e da credit, en l’economia exteriura e sin il sectur da las finanzas publicas po ella divergiar dal princip da la libertad economica, sche quai è necessari.
4 La Confederaziun, ils chantuns e las vischnancas resguardan la situaziun da la conjunctura en lur politica d’entradas e d’expensas.
5 Per stabilisar la conjunctura po la Confederaziun incassar temporarmain supplements u conceder rabats sin taxas e taglias previsas dal dretg federal. Ils meds incassads en questa maniera èn da bloccar. Suenter ch’els vegnan dads liber, vegnan taxas e taglias directas restituidas individualmain, las taxas e taglias indirectas vegnan duvradas per conceder rabats u per procurar lavur.
6 La Confederaziun po obligar las interpresas da furmar reservas per procurar lavur; ella conceda per la paja levgiaments da taglias e po er obligar ils chantuns da far il medem. Suenter che questas reservas èn vegnidas dadas libras decidan las interpresas libramain davart lur diever en il rom dals intents previs da la lescha.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.