232.14 Federal Act of 25 June 1954 on Patents for Inventions (Patents Act, PatA)

232.14 Legge federale del 25 giugno 1954 sui brevetti d'invenzione (Legge sui brevetti, LBI)

Art. 140t

1 Upon application the IPI shall issue a paediatric supplementary protection certificate (paediatric certificate) for active ingredients or active ingredient compositions of medicinal products with a protection period of six months from the expiry of the longest term of the patent, provided the authorisation (Art. 9 TPA277) of a medicinal product containing the product:

contains confirmation that the information on the medicinal product reflects the results of all studies performed in accordance with the paediatric test concept (Art. 11 para. 2 let. a no 6 TPA) considered in the authorisation process; and
was applied for no later than six months after the application for initial authorisation in the European Economic Area of a medicinal product containing the product in which the corresponding medicinal product information reflects the results of all studies performed in accordance with the paediatric test concept considered for the authorisation.
2 A paediatric certificate shall only be issued if no supplementary protection certificate in accordance with Article 140a exists.
3 Article 140b paragraph 1 applies mutatis mutandis.

4 The term of protection of a paediatric certificate may not be extended.

Art. 140q

La proroga della validità del certificato è soggetta al pagamento di una tassa.


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Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.