1 Parents not granted parental responsibility or whose children are not resident with them are entitled to reasonable contact with their minor children, and their children are entitled to contact with them.319
2 The child protection authority may remind parents, foster parents or the child of their duties and issue them with instructions where the exercise or failure to exercise contact entitlements is detrimental to the child or where such reminder or direction is required for some other reason.
3 Contact entitlements must be stipulated if either the father or the mother so requests.
318 Amended by No I 4 of the FA of 26 June 1998, in force since 1 Jan. 2000 (AS 1999 1118; BBl 1996 I 1).
319 Amended by No I 2 of the FA of 19 Dec. 2008 (Adult Protection Law, Law of Persons and Law of Children), in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2011 725; BBl 2006 7001).
I genitori ed i figli si devono vicendevolmente l’assistenza, i riguardi e il rispetto che il bene della comunione richiede.
304 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I 1 della LF del 25 giu. 1976, in vigore dal 1° gen. 1978 (RU 1977 237; FF 1974 II 1).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.