210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Codice civile svizzero del 10 dicembre 1907

Art. 209 3. Compensation operations between acquired property and individual property

1 Where debts incurred in connection with acquired property have been paid out of individual property or where debts incurred in connection with individual property have been paid out of acquired property, there is a claim for compensation when the marital property regime is liquidated.

2 A debt encumbers the property in relation to which it was incurred, and in the event of doubt, it encumbers the acquired property.

3 If assets belonging to one category of property have contributed to the acquisition, improvement or preservation of assets belonging to the other and if the value of the latter has increased or diminished, the claim for compensation corresponds to the proportionate contribution made and is calculated according to the value of the assets at the time of the liquidation or their disposal.

Art. 208 2. Reintegrazione negli acquisti

1 Sono reintegrate negli acquisti:

le liberalità fatte da un coniuge negli ultimi cinque anni prima dello scioglimento del regime dei beni senza il consenso dell’altro, eccettuati i regali d’uso;
le alienazioni fatte da un coniuge durante il regime dei beni con l’intenzione di sminuire la partecipazione dell’altro.

2 …217

217 Abrogato dall’all. 1 n. II 3 del Codice di procedura civile del 19 dic. 2008, con effetto dal 1° gen. 2011 (RU 2010 1739; FF 2006 6593).


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