272 Swiss Civil Procedure Code of 19 December 2008 (Civil Procedure Code, CPC)

272 Code de procédure civile du 19 décembre 2008 (CPC)

Art. 43 Cancellation of securities and insurance policies, injunction against payment

1 The court at the registered office of the company has mandatory jurisdiction to declare the cancellation of shares.

2 The court at the place where the immovable property is recorded in the land register has mandatory jurisdiction to declare the cancellation of mortgage instruments.

3 The court at the domicile or registered office of the debtor has mandatory jurisdiction to declare the cancellation of other securities and insurance policies.

4 The court at the place of payment has mandatory jurisdiction to issue injunctions against payment under a bill of exchange or cheque and to declare their cancellation.

Art. 42 Fusion, scission, transformation et transfert de patrimoine

Le tribunal du siège d’un des sujets impliqués est compétent pour statuer sur les actions relevant de la loi du 3 octobre 2003 sur la fusion28.


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