220 Federal Act of 30 March 1911 on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code (Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

220 Loi fédérale du 30 mars 1911 complétant le code civil suisse (Livre cinquième: Droit des obligations)

Art. 698 I. Powers

1 The supreme governing body of a company limited by shares is the general meeting.

2 It has the following inalienable powers:

to determine and amend the articles of association;
to elect the members of the board of directors and the external auditors;
to approve the management report and the consolidated accounts;
to approve the annual accounts and pass resolutions on the allocation of the disposable profit, and in particular to set the dividend and the shares of profits paid to board members;
to determine the interim dividend and approve the interim account required therefor;
to pass resolutions on repaying the statutory capital reserve;
to discharge the members of the board of directors;
to delist the equity securities of the company;
to pass resolutions concerning the matters reserved to the general meeting by law or the articles of association.525

3 In companies whose shares are listed on a stock exchange, it has the following additional inalienable powers:

to elect the chair of the board of directors;
to elect the members of the remuneration committee;
to elect the independent voting representatives;
to vote on the remuneration of the board of directors, the executive board and the board of advisors.526

519 Amended by No I 1 of the FA of 23 Dec. 2011 (Financial Reporting Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2013 (AS 2012 6679; BBl 2008 1589).

520 Amended by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Company Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).

521 Amended by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Company Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).

522 Inserted by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Company Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).

523 Inserted by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Company Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).

524 Inserted by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Company Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).

525 Amended by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745).

526 Inserted by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Company Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).

Art. 697l II. Liste des ayants droit économiques

1 La société tient une liste des ayants droit économiques qui lui ont été annoncés.

2 Cette liste mentionne le prénom et le nom ainsi que l’adresse des ayants droit économiques.

3 Les pièces justificatives de l’annonce au sens de l’art. 697j doivent être conservées pendant dix ans après la radiation de la personne de la liste.

4 La liste doit être tenue de manière à ce qu’il soit possible d’y accéder en tout temps en Suisse.

515 Introduit par le ch. I 2 de la LF du 12 déc. 2014 sur la mise en oeuvre des recommandations du Groupe d’action financière, révisées en 2012 (RO 2015 1389; FF 2014 585). Nouvelle teneur selon le ch. I 1 de la LF du 21 juin 2019 sur la mise en œuvre des recommandations du Forum mondial sur la transparence et l’échange de renseignements à des fins fiscales, en vigueur depuis le 1er mai 2021 (RO 2019 3161; FF 2019 277).


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