210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907

Art. 841 c. Privileged claim

1 Where the claims of tradesmen and building contractors are not wholly satisfied by foreclosure, the shortfall must be compensated for by the higher-ranking creditors out of such portion of the proceeds as exceeds the land value, provided it is apparent to such creditors that their liens have encumbered the property to the detriment of the tradesmen and building contractors.

2 If the higher-ranking creditor alienates his or her mortgage security, he or she must compensate the tradesmen and building contractors for any sum of which they are deprived by such alienation.

3 Once an interested party has had the beginning of the work noted in the land register, until the time limit for registration has expired, liens may only be registered in the form of mortgage contracts.

Art. 840 b. Rang

Les artisans et entrepreneurs au bénéfice d’hypothèques légales séparément inscrites concourent entre eux à droit égal, même si les inscriptions sont de dates différentes.


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