210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Code civil suisse du 10 décembre 1907

Art. 777 II. Rights of the usufructuary

1 The scope of the right of residence is generally tailored to the personal requirements of the usufructuary.

2 However, unless the right is expressly restricted to the person of the holder, he or she may share the residence with his or her family and household.

3 If the right of residence is limited to part of a building, the holder may use the fittings and installations intended for common use.

Art. 776 I. En général

1 Le droit d’habitation est le droit de demeurer dans une maison ou d’en occuper une partie.

2 Il est incessible et ne passe point aux héritiers.

3 Les règles de l’usufruit sont applicables, sauf disposition contraire de la loi.


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