1 The federal authorities responsible for enforcement, control, prevention of illegal acts or prosecution of offenders may work together with the relevant authorities of other countries and international organisations and committees and co-ordinate the procurement of data, insofar as this is necessary for the enforcement of this Act or of equivalent foreign legislation, and the foreign authorities or international organisations or committees are obliged to observe official secrecy or are bound to an equivalent secrecy obligation.
2 They may specifically request foreign authorities and international organisations or committees to supply the necessary data. For this purpose, they may provide data concerning:
3 If the foreign country concerned has signed a reciprocal rights agreement with Switzerland, the relevant federal authorities may supply it with data in accordance with paragraph 2 at their own discretion or upon request, as long as the foreign authority or authorities guarantee that the data:
4 They may also provide international organisations or committees with data under the same conditions as those cited in paragraph 3 above, though here the requirement of reciprocal rights may be waived.
5 The above clauses shall remain subject to the provisions governing mutual international assistance in criminal matters.
Die zuständigen Bundesstellen sowie die Polizeiorgane der Kantone und Gemeinden können einander und den Aufsichtsbehörden Daten bekannt geben, soweit dies für den Vollzug dieses Gesetzes notwendig ist.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Dies ist keine amtliche Veröffentlichung. Massgebend ist allein die Veröffentlichung durch die Bundeskanzlei.