514.511 Ordinance of 25 February 1998 on War Material (War Material Ordinance, WMO)

514.511 Verordnung vom 25. Februar 1998 über das Kriegsmaterial (Kriegsmaterialverordnung, KMV)

Art. 24b Transitional provision to the amendment of 30 March 2022

1 Applications that are pending when the amendments of 30 March 2022 come into force are dealt with under the previous law.

2 The extension of export licences that were granted before the amendments of 30 March 2022 come into force is dealt with under the previous law.

3 A new application for a licence must be submitted for war materiel whose export was licensed before the amendments of 30 March 2022 come into force and which could not be exported or could not be exported in full within the period of validity of the licence or its extension. The new application shall be dealt with under the previous law.

71 Inserted by No I of the O of 30 March 2022, in force since 1 May 2022 (AS 2022 227).

Art. 24a Übergangsbestimmung zur Änderung vom 19. September 2014

Gesuche, die zum Zeitpunkt des Inkrafttretens der Änderungen vom 19. September 2014 hängig sind, werden nach neuem Recht behandelt.

70 Eingefügt durch Ziff. I der V vom 19. Sept. 2014, in Kraft seit 1. Nov. 2014 (AS 2014 3045).


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Dies ist keine amtliche Veröffentlichung. Massgebend ist allein die Veröffentlichung durch die Bundeskanzlei.