1 Companies limited by shares and partnerships limited by shares that are entered in the commercial register when this Act comes into force, but which do not comply with the new statutory provisions, must amend their articles of association to the new provisions within five years.
2 Companies which, despite being publicly required to do so through repeated notice in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce and in the cantonal official gazettes, do not within five years amend the provisions of their articles of association governing minimum capital, the minimum contribution and the participation and dividend rights certificates, will be dissolved by the court at the request of the commercial registrar. They may allow an additional period of a maximum of six months. Companies that were founded before 1 January 1985 are exempted from the amendment of the provision of their articles of association on minimum capital. Companies whose participation capital on 1 January 1985 was more than twice the share capital are exempted from having to amend the statutory limit.
3 Other provisions of the articles of association that are incompatible with the new law remain in force until they are amended, but for five years at the most.
Mit dem Inkrafttreten dieses Gesetzes sind die damit im Widerspruch stehenden zivilrechtlichen Bestimmungen des Bundes, insbesondere die dritte Abteilung des Obligationenrechts, betitelt: «Die Handelsgesellschaften, Wertpapiere und Geschäftsfirmen» (BG vom 14. Juni 1881904 über das Obligationenrecht, Art. 552–715 und 720–880), aufgehoben.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Dies ist keine amtliche Veröffentlichung. Massgebend ist allein die Veröffentlichung durch die Bundeskanzlei.