1 Instead of or in addition to such liability, the articles of association may require the members to make additional contributions, which may be used only to cover net losses for the year.
2 The liability to make additional contributions may be unlimited or else limited to specified amounts or to a specified proportion of the member’s contribution or share in the cooperative.
3 Where the articles of association make no provision on how additional contributions are to be shared among the members, the amount due from each is determined according to the value of their shares in the cooperative or, where no such shares exist, on a per capita basis.
4 The additional contributions may be called in at any time. If the cooperative is insolvent, the right to call in additional contributions accrues to the insolvency administrators.
5 In other respects the provisions governing the calling-in of contributions and declaration of forfeiture are applicable.
Für die Verbindlichkeiten der Genossenschaft haftet das Genossenschaftsvermögen. Es haftet ausschliesslich, sofern die Statuten nichts anderes bestimmen.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Dies ist keine amtliche Veröffentlichung. Massgebend ist allein die Veröffentlichung durch die Bundeskanzlei.