1 Where capital contributions are acquired through inheritance, distribution of an estate, matrimonial property law or enforcement proceedings, all related rights and obligations shall be transferred to the acquirer without requiring the consent of the members’ general meeting.
2 In order to exercise right to vote and related rights, however, the acquirer shall require the recognition of the members’ general meeting as a company member who is eligible to vote.
3 The members’ general meeting may refuse such recognition only if the company offers to acquire the capital contributions from the acquirer at their true value. The offer may be made for the company's own account or for the account of other company members or third parties. Unless the acquirer rejects the offer within a month of receiving notice of the true value, the offer is deemed to be accepted.
4 Unless the members’ general meeting rejects the request for recognition within six months of its receipt, recognition is deemed to be granted.
5 The articles of association may waive the requirement of recognition.
1 Die Abtretung von Stammanteilen sowie die Verpflichtung zur Abtretung bedürfen der schriftlichen Form.
2 In den Abtretungsvertrag müssen dieselben Hinweise auf statutarische Rechte und Pflichten aufgenommen werden wie in die Urkunde über die Zeichnung der Stammanteile, ausser wenn der Erwerber bereits Gesellschafter ist.669
669 Fassung gemäss Ziff. I 2 des BG vom 17. März 2017 (Handelsregisterrecht), in Kraft seit 1. Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 957; BBl 2015 3617).
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Dies ist keine amtliche Veröffentlichung. Massgebend ist allein die Veröffentlichung durch die Bundeskanzlei.