210 Swiss Civil Code of 10 December 1907

210 Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch vom 10. Dezember 1907

Art. 244 2. Home and household effects

1 If the home in which the spouses lived or any household effects belong to the common property, the surviving spouse may request that such property be allocated to him or her and count toward his or her share of the estate.

2 Where justified in the circumstances, at the request of the surviving spouse or the other legal heirs of the deceased spouse, a usufruct or right of residence may be granted in lieu of ownership.

3 If the community of property is not dissolved by death, each spouse may make such requests where he or she may show an overriding interest.

Art. 243 1. Eigengut

Wird die Gütergemeinschaft durch Tod eines Ehegatten aufgelöst, so kann der überlebende Ehegatte verlangen, dass ihm auf Anrechnung überlassen wird, was unter der Errungenschaftsbeteiligung sein Eigengut wäre.


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