Art. 82 Placing on the market of devices that comply with the old legislation
1 Provided the following devices continue to comply with the old legislation as of 26 May 2022 and have not undergone any significant changes in their design or intended purpose, they may be placed on the market or put into service until the following dates:
2 The post-market surveillance of devices specified in paragraph 1, their market surveillance, vigilance, registration of economic operators and of the devices themselves are subject to the provisions of this Ordinance.
3 Devices legally placed on the market prior to 26 May 2022 under the old legislation may continue to be made available on the market or put into service until 26 May 2025.
4 Devices legally placed on the market prior to 26 May 2022 in accordance with paragraph 1 may continue to be made available on the market or put into service until the following dates:
Art. 83 Requirements for devices manufactured and used in healthcare institutions
The requirements set out in Article 9 for devices manufactured and used in healthcare institutions shall apply from the following dates:
a. the requirements set out in Article 5 paragraph 5 letters b, c and e-i EU-IVDR63: from 26 May 2024;
b. the requirements set out in Article 5 paragraph 5 letter d EU-IVDR: 26 May 2028.
63 See the footnote to Art. 4 para. 1 let. e
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