Landesrecht 2 Privatrecht - Zivilrechtspflege - Vollstreckung 29 Internationales Privatrecht
Internal Law 2 Private law - Administration of civil justice - Enforcement 29 Private International Law

291 Bundesgesetz vom 18. Dezember 1987 über das Internationale Privatrecht (IPRG)

291 Federal Act on Private International Law (PILA)

Index Inverser les langues Précédent Suivant
Index Inverser les langues

Art. 149c

1 Für das auf Trusts anwendbare Recht gilt das Haager Übereinkommen vom 1. Juli 198589 über das auf Trusts anzuwendende Recht und über ihre Anerkennung.

2 Das vom Übereinkommen bezeichnete anwendbare Recht ist auch dort massgebend, wo nach Artikel 5 des Übereinkommens dieses nicht anzuwenden ist oder wo nach Artikel 13 des Übereinkommens keine Verpflichtung zur Anerkennung eines Trusts besteht.

Art. 149d

1 Where the assets of the trust are registered in the name of the trustee in the land register, the ships register or the aircraft register, reference to the trust relationship can be made by adding a note.

2 Trust relationships affecting intellectual property rights registered in Switzerland shall be recorded on request in the relevant register.

3 A trust relationship that is not noted or recorded is not enforceable against third parties acting in good faith.

Art. 149e

V. Foreign decisions

1 Foreign decisions on matters concerning trust law are recognised in Switzerland:

a. if they were rendered by a court that was validly designated pursuant to Article 149b paragraph 1;

b. if they were rendered in the state in which the defendant was domiciled, habitually resident or had their establishment;

c. if they were rendered in the state in which the trust had its seat;

d. if they were rendered in the state whose law applies to the trust; or

e. if they are recognised in the state in which the trust has its seat, provided the defendant was not domiciled in Switzerland.

2 Article 165 paragraph 2 applies by analogy to foreign decisions relating to claims regarding public issues of equity or debt securities based on prospectuses, circulars or similar publications.


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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.